Our services

Healthcare Waste Management
Solution in Public and Private Sectors

On-site healthcare waste collection

Clinwaste waste fleet ensures timely collection and safe and responsible handling of medical waste in the manner compliant to health and safety regulations. Collection schedules area catered to our clients’ requirement.
Our team of dedicated staff is trained and knowledgeable in healthcare waste documentation, allowing you to concentrate on giving your best in your practice.
Waste Collection
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Healthcare waste containers

Clinwaste puts in efforts to minimise risk at all stages of healthcare waste management. Hence, Clinwaste uses specifically manufactures containers to protect our clients and our staff from potentially transmittable diseases and injures.

Treatment facility

Clinwaste incinerator plant complies with all the legislations as stipulated by the Department of Environment and observes strict safety standards. The high temperature at primary and secondary combustion chambers will safely incinerate all types of clinical waste. The stack emission testing is performed and monitored on a regular basis to ensure the impurities released from the plant are controlled within the regulated standards, hence protecting the environment.
Treatment Facility
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Waste transportation

Clinwaste services incorporate a fleet of designated vehicles and dedicated professional drivers with a wide logistical network. All vehicles are licensed and monitored by Department of Environment for the sole purpose of clinical waste transportation.

Waste management training & consultation

Clinwaste offers guidance and advice on regulations and the approved method of handling and managing clinical waste thus reducing the risk of cross infection and needle prick injuries.
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